DNA Spreadsheet Form

The DNA Spreadsheet can be filled out one of two ways:

  1. Us the form below to enter your goat(s) information. This link is our preferred method of data submission. This link sends all of your data to our mainframe. This is less data entry and more efficient.
  2. Click: PRINTABLE PDF DNA SPREADSHEET. Type in Data and then  Save/Download/Print and email, scan, or photo text. 
    828-329-5350 or spanishgoatsllc@gmail.com.

We require all of the information to be completed. If you have questions please contact us. 

Instructions for Completing the DNA Spreadsheet

Please submit one form for each individual goat.

Please fill in each box even if the data is the same for multiple goats. These fields will fill the individual Goat DNA Registration Certificates.

GoatBreeder ID Number:
The Breeder ID Number you were issued after you Completed the Breeder ID Application. It is the bottom line of your contact information on the Website Breeder List.

Please enter your email to make it easier to contact you with any question.

Goat Name:
Please give us a specific name or number to identify the goat. The Registration Name will be created by combining:
Breeder + Your Identification + Bloodline — Example: Askew’s Grey Girl BAY — Askew is the Breeder, Grey Girl is the Goat Name and Baylis is the Goat’s Bloodline.

Breeder of Goat:
We are looking for the actual breeder of the Goat. If this is not know please contact us.

Goat Sex:
Please indicate Male or Female.

Goat DOB / Year:
Date or Birth or Year. If you do not know then look at the teeth to determine approximate age. If you are unable to determine the age please contact us.

Goat Ear Tag:
Please indicate the type of Ear Tag — basic, Farm, or Scrapie when you list the number. Also add the color.

Goat Other ID (Farm Tag/Microchip/Tattoo):
Please indicate if there is a tag in each ear, an inserted microchip and / or tattoo.

Sire (Breeder, Bloodline, or SGR DNA Registration #):
Please indicate the breeder of the Sire, the bloodline of the Sire or the SGR DNA Registration Number of the Sire. If this information is not known then please contact us.

Dam (Breeder, Bloodline, or SGR DNA Registration #):
Please indicate the breeder of the Dam, the bloodline of the Dam or the SGR DNA Registration Number of the Dam. If this information is not known then please contact us.

DNA Spreadsheet Online Form - Individual Goat